The Party of MAGA Rallies in Longview For President Trump
Photo Courtesy of Jennifer Smith
On the night of November 3rd, 2020 Americans from sea to shining sea watched as media outlets called the election state by state. Several national media outlets, like CNN and Fox News, have projected Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States but widespread doubt exists among many Americans due to reports of voter fraud and voting irregularities which have been found throughout the United States.
The Trump Campaign has filed lawsuit after lawsuit in several key states challenging the accuracy of the results and leaving many Americans watching the courts to see the final outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election. At the time of this writing, on November 15th, 2020, America still does not know for sure who will be sworn in as President of the United States of America at the inauguration on January 20th, 2021.
Of course, this does not mean that Americans are sitting by doing nothing. Since November 3rd, passionate conservatives have organized rallies in support of President Trump throughout the United States.
CRIT-LARGE had the honor of interviewing one of these passionate conservatives. Jennifer Smith is the organizer of the Patriot Rally which took place in Longview, Texas on November 14th. This was the second rally Smith has organized since Election Day.
CRIT-LARGE: Mrs. Smith, thank you for taking the time to talk to us about the most recent rally in Longview. Obviously it takes a group of people to plan and organize a gathering like the one that you had. How do you see the group that you have and what would you say are the beliefs and values of that group?
SMITH: Our group is not a political group. We are not Republicans or Democrats. We are a grassroots movement of free thinking patriots who love our country and our fellow Americans! As soon as you stepped foot in the rally today, you felt a sense of love, happiness, hopefulness, joy, and PRIDE from thousands of complete strangers that made you feel as if you have known them for 30 years! I really believe God is bringing us all together!
CRIT-LARGE: What gave you the idea to have a Trump Rally in Longview, after Election Day?
SMITH: I’m very passionate about my country! I have an appreciation for the freedoms many men and women have died to protect, and in the past few years, I’ve seen these rights infringed upon and taken away a little at a time because people are not uniting and making their voices heard! People don’t understand how powerful we are when we come together and fight for something. Unity is the establishment’s worst nightmare! The media is a tool to divide us and people are waking up to that! Most people are good, hard-working, law-abiding citizens who love America!
Donald Trump is the first President to truly give us hope, flip the Washington establishment on its head, and has made us feel it’s okay to express the sense of American pride we all had, but kept silent over time! I knew there were thousands of people out there that were like-minded and just as passionate as I was, but if I had to stand alone on a corner with my flag, I was willing to take that stand.
CRIT-LARGE: Based on the pictures that I have seen, you were not the only one willing to take that stand either! Do you have an idea of how many people attended your gathering?
SMITH: I am going through video and drone footage so I can get a better idea of how many showed up, but we had hundreds of cars and thousands of people. They came from adjoining states, and Texas counties far and wide. I met a gentleman who drove 7 straight hours from Alabama to get here today!
CRIT-LARGE: Seven hours is quite the drive! What were some of the obstacles you faced in the planning and the organization of this gathering?
SMITH: During the course of the past few weeks, we have faced a tremendous amount of obstacles and pressure to stop assembling. We’ve been told by others that they would make sure we were unable to get a venue in the city of Longview and that any business who allowed us to gather would be boycotted to the point they would go out of business.
My family receives threats that increase in seriousness the bigger our movement gets. Our patriot brothers and sisters are harassed online by organized outside groups and also harassed at their places of employment. Their children have been threatened. But all of that hate doesn’t hold a candle to the love that you feel when we gather together as patriot brothers and sisters to show support of our President and love for our country! Every assembly is a celebration of the blessing it is to live in this country!
CRIT-LARGE: In our day and age, publicly standing for conservative principles will often put you in the cross-hairs of those who feel threatened by the spread of your conservative ideals. Have you always identified as a Republican or have you found yourself on the other side of the aisle at one time in your life?
SMITH: I used to be a Democrat. I grew up in a Democrat family, and when I graduated college, as a Political Science major, I worked on state and congressional level campaigns. I’m also half Hispanic. According to the media, people like me hate Donald Trump, right? This is why it’s important to do your own research on topics and not listen to what the media spoon feeds you.
CRIT-LARGE: Never in my life have I noticed the Media being this involved in the voicing of their opinion in an election. I want to hear more of what you have to say about the media and how they have covered the Trump rallies you have taken part in. Before we go there, however, I really want to hear more about your political journey. How did you go from being a Democrat to voting Republican in support of President Donald J. Trump?
SMITH: It was an accumulation over time. I believe in hard work and earning what you have is empowering while giving government handouts is crippling. I believe the government should be limited in most of its functions to prevent freedoms from being trampled on. I believe in the wall, to ensure the protection of our families and jobs. I believe in supporting law enforcement, gun rights, tax breaks that benefit and encourage the creation of small businesses, and most importantly, I believe in the right to life and the protection of unborn babies.
As time has passed the Democrat party of our grandparents has become non-existent and has transcended into a socialist party. I see the extremism, the hate and the lies. The agenda of the left is the opposite of Trump’s agenda. We are no longer the Republican Party. I believe Trump has essentially created his own party: The party of MAGA.
CRIT-LARGE: Many in the media have been quite critical of the party of MAGA and their ‘Stop the Steal’ rallies across the United States. When it comes to the local media outlets, and the rallies which you have been involved with, do you believe they have been fair or unfair in their coverage?
SMITH: I believe very few have been fair. The correct way to report on an event is collecting information from as many different sources as you can in their search for the truth. I think many people who are dishonest hide behind “anonymous sources” or “concerned citizen” labels because they think no one will ever hold them accountable for trying to silence someone’s God given right to assemble and freedom of speech. The average voter is smarter than they think. They are waking up.
CRIT-LARGE: There are many in the media who are urging America to move on and accept that Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election. Why do you believe it is important for people not to give up too soon?
SMITH: I believe it’s important that we dissect the information that is available to us instead of presented to us. Use reliable sources instead of reading headlines on Facebook, Twitter or Parler. Don’t take anyone’s word on important issues! Research information for yourself! Many states are still counting votes, and as most voters are aware, there was a high volume of irregularities, which would be a mathematical impossibility to occur naturally.
CRIT-LARGE: Do you believe that Americans are ready to accept the outcome of Election Day 2020 regardless of what outcome that might be?
SMITH: Most patriots will happily accept the outcome of an election as long as they believe it was fair and that their votes counted and meant something. Nothing is more important than believing we, the people, hold the power!
CRIT-LARGE: Thank you for your time! Before we close out this interview I have one final question. Every event worth having has a clear and precise message. What would you say was the message of your most recent rally? What message do you believe that rally sent to the world around you?
SMITH: We support the President of the United States of America and we are not ashamed! He has fought tirelessly for us the last 3+ years. We will gladly hold the line and fight for him!
While many may disagree with President Donald J. Trump, he has forever changed American politics and won a great multitude of loyal followers. Regardless of who is sworn in as President on January 20th, 2021, it is certain that both Trump and those who support him will be doing their part to impact American politics for years to come.